Welcome to "Hand of God", my own version of John Conway's "Game of Life"! I have named it this as the object
of the game is to both create and destroy life, much like the hand of God.
This game is quite open to exploration. Begin by drawing different shapes with the mouse on the game area to the right.
Click 'Clear Canvas' to reset the game area if you bugger up. Once you have drawn what you want, click the 'Start Game' button.
Watch your creation come to life!
At this point watch what happens. The cells could die quickly, reach a stable point or even go on forever! If you want to wield your
God like hand of destruction, click around on the screen near shapes as the game plays or click the 'Stop Game' button to pause the
game. When life is paused, you can set up a lot of cells for destruction. Then start the game again to watch your cells DIE!!!
If you kill them all and your game area is all black, you have won! You are now free to recreate life, hopefully better this time.